Compost is organic material that has decomposed, such as leaves, grass clippings, and kitchen waste. Since it contains many essential nutrients for plant growth, it is frequently used as a fertilizer. Compost also improves soil structure, allowing it to hold the proper amount of moisture, nutrients, and air. It enhances the texture of both clay and sandy soils, making them rich, moisture-retaining, and loamy.

When composting on a larger scale than at home, it is called commercial composting or industrial composting. At EcoRich, we have a team of experienced business professionals with a wealth of knowledge and experience in organic waste management, composting, and environmental awareness.
We offer truly sustainable composting solutions and a fantastic line of commercial composters. Continue reading to find out more about the numerous advantages of commercial composting and how you can save money by using commercial compost.
What is Commercial Composting?
The term "commercial or industrial composting" refers to large-scale composting, which is designed to handle a great deal of organic waste, in contrast to private or home composting, which handles organic waste from a single household or facility. A commercial composting facility can sell its compost to farms and nurseries, use it for landscaping in local municipalities, or sell it to individuals, depending on how it is organized.
Typical commercial composting operations collect waste from restaurants, grocery stores, and other establishments that handle food. They may also collect yard waste from nurseries and landscaping businesses. Occasionally, commercial composters accept green waste bins from individual citizens, who place yard and food waste in separate containers for regular collection alongside trash and recycling.
The Benefits of Commercial Composting
Waste Reduction
Many of us make the mistake of throwing things away and then forgetting about them. However, much of what we throw away ends up in a landfill, where it takes up valuable space.
Composting on your farm is one way to produce less trash and send less waste to landfills. From plants to food waste, farms accumulate lots of organic waste that is rich in nutrients. Why not compost on your farm instead of sending it to the landfill? This will reduce the amount of garbage that gets dumped in landfills, resulting in less trash, and turning the waste into something that you will be able to use.
Would you grow money on trees if you could? We'd do the same! That is exactly what composting accomplishes. It converts organic waste that you already have into fertilizers that you require. The beauty of composting is that you are repurposing food waste that would have gone to the landfill—that is a golden opportunity! Composting can save farmers money on chemical fertilizers and prevent the soil from becoming acidic. Purchase or make? The decision is yours.
Enhance the Soil’s Structure
Clumpy, dry soil is as useless for growing as eating soup with a fork, but compost can help you restore your growing soil's valuable structure. Compost enhances the structure of your soil, which supports the roots of plants and prevents erosion. Since it’s natural and non-toxic, you won’t have to worry about damaging your soil either. During our classic midwest summer storms, this strong soil composition will allow for better drainage and water retention.
Improve Soil Quality and Nutrient Availability
It is well known that healthy soil produces healthy plants. According to a compost expert, fertilizers feed plants, but compost feeds the soil, which is vital if you want long-lasting nutrition. Compost contains a plethora of beneficial microorganisms that help restore soil nutrients and promote growth.

How Commercial Composting Saves You Money
Composting Reduces Disposal Costs
The disposal of trash is expensive, at least in terms of transportation and storage. Global costs of waste disposal are projected to rise from $205 billion a year in 2010 to $375 billion by 2025.
Wasted Food Becomes a Valuable Resource
Approximately 30-40% of our food supply is wasted in the U.S. That is a TON of food—40 million tons to be precise—or roughly $161 billion worth of food waste every year. Composting turns what would have gone in the garbage into a valuable resource, one that generates both food and revenue. Garbage becomes black gold by completing the food cycle.
Reduces Production Costs for Farmers
Who doesn't want to help farmers? Farmers and gardeners who use compost save money on expensive fertilizers and pesticides, as well as water and irrigation, and can put that money toward expanding their production capacity. Furthermore, compost-using fields have been shown to produce higher yields than non-composting fields. This means that there will be more crops to sell and more profit to be made.
Reduce Your Food Costs at Home
A typical American household wastes $2,200 worth of food each year. By composting at home, you can gain a better understanding of what you are throwing away, and you can shape your buying habits to help you save money and food! Composting may just save you money on your garbage service bills too!
More Jobs Are Created by Composting
Composting plants are proven to create more jobs than other disposal sites like landfills and incinerators! The creation of these new green jobs is essential to creating a carbon-neutral future and making the U.S. a competitive economic force as the global economy moves toward sustainability.
How EcoRich Can help with Commercial Composting
Having learned the importance of commercial composting, its environmental benefits, and how you can easily save money using it, it is time to begin commercial composting for a better environment.
EcoRich offers a line of commercial composters as well as a line of home composters. Our composters range in capacity from 20 to 4000 pounds per day, and we have recycling options that are simple and cost-effective for food waste producers. If you're looking to reduce your waste volume and your environmental impact, EcoRich Elite II commercial composting systems are the right choice. Join the eco-friendly community with EcoRich commercial composters today!
Interested in finding out how EcoRich's diverse product line can help you with your composting needs? Contact us today!